Saturday, July 12, 2008

Great response, folks

Well, the post was on Monday and today is Saturday. Nice to know that everyone is out there enjoying the summertime and not sitting around reading my blog and commenting. LOL

Monday, July 7, 2008


"Oh, what do you do in the summertime? When all the world is green?
Do you fish in a stream, or lazily dream on the banks as the clouds go by?
Is that what you do? So do I?

Oh what do you do in the summertime? When all the world is green?
Do you swim in a pool, to keep yourself cool, or swing in a tree up high?
Is that what you do? So do I!

Oh what do you do in the summertime when all the world is green?
Do you march in parades, or drink lemonades, or count all the stars in the sky?
Is that what you do? So do I!"

This song written by Dorothy S. Anderson is the childrens' song I think about when I think of summer music. (Along with patriotic music, of course.)

So let's hear it. What do YOU do in the summertime?

In case anyone is curious as to what made me think of this - today I used a word that all truly Southern folks know and understand. Someone asked me how the weather was in NC today. I said MUGLY! For you poor folks not blessed with Southern roots - MUGGY and UGLY combined makes MUGLY. This is the heat of the day after a few rounds of thunderstorms during the night. As the day heats up, the water-soaked ground tries to get rid of the water that is drowning it. The air can't handle all that water to make it evaporate quickly and the area we get to walk around in is seriously MUGLY.

So, what do I do in the summertime? When all the world is green?
I read books in my room, my A/C on zoom, a glass of ice water too.
Is that what you do? Tell me too.

Friday, July 4, 2008


Yeah, I know that the actual holiday isn't until November. However, today is a great day to be thankful. I am so thankful that I was born in the US. I can express my opinions and you can scoff at me if you want to do so and guess what? Nobody has to be injured or killed because we don't agree. I know there are a lot of countries that seem to be as "free" as we are but I'm glad I was born here.

I love America, with all the flaws that we put into it. We still have the freedom to fix something when it isn't quite right.

So, Happy Fourth of July from one happy American.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cute Insanity

I knew I was little warped and quite frankly take great pride in not be just like everyone else. However, I had a conversation with myself last night that proves I'm ready for intervention.

I left Duke Hospital last night from volunteering for the Ronald McDonald House Family Room. As I was walking to the garage, I realized that one side of my throat was sore. Even though I had been fine for the whole time I was volunteering and hadn't been too cold, I thought, "Oh well, the AC must have been cooler than I thought. "

By the time I got home I wasn't feeling very well. Stuffy nose, my throat was worse and I just felt achy and tired. So I had the following conversation.

Me: I can't believe it! I'm getting sick. I'm not even around people that much anymore so how did I get sick?

Myself: Well, they say that it takes 3-4 days from the time of exposure to actually gett sick so think backwards.

I: That sounds like a good idea, Myself. Me, figure out who got you sick and we'll go beat them to a pulp.

Me: Good idea. Ok, Today I was at church with the 10 year old kids, but they all seemed well and it would have been too soon after exposure anyway.

Myself: OK, so that's out. What about Saturday?

Me: I hung out at home and cleaned inside and outside and worked on Mary Kay a little bit.

I: Not Saturday then. Hey, weren't you at the church on Wednesday night? Did you come up against any germy people?

Me: Nooooo. The only people I had contact with was Vicki and Amy and they were both well.

Myself: I know! Wasn't there a Primary Talent Show on Friday night? At least one of those kids must have been sick.

Me: That might have been true - IF - I had remembered to go. Nope, I just hung out at home on the computer looking for a job.

I: OK, that only leaves Thursday. What did you do on Thursday?

Me: Not much. I ran some errands and then went to Graham to babysit that sweet love, Tyler . . .uh, oh....... (The voice then becomes syrupy just like an idiot cooing at a baby.) AWWWWW . . . I got my cold from Tyler. Isn't that sweet?

Whaddaya think? Time for the looney bin? Well, if so, you'd better book a room for you too. If it was nutty enough for me to have the conversation, YOU sat here and read it!! Of your own free will, HA!