Thursday, December 31, 2009

This one is for you.

Hey darling,

You may be the only one who ever checks this blog so I'm posting for you.

Christmas is over and a New Year is here. Resolutions? Maybe just to survive. OK, I'll resolve to blog for you more. Try not to be discouraged when that resolve hits the dust like so many others.

I LOVE my pictures! I miss you guys so much.

I work, I sleep and I work again. Life is full of life, hunh?



Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I'm certainly grateful for many more things than I can list here but FAMILY is #1. I am very blessed.

With the event of Ken's visit and sending him back to Iraq yesterday, it makes me need to say how much I appreciate Paul and Ken and their families for supporting them.

Friday, November 20, 2009

one more try

It has been suggested that I should try the blog thing again. So here goes.

I am very aware of how blessed I am. I have wonderful children (8) and grandchildren (almost 9) a roof over my head, a job and lots of friends. I am very fortunate.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Krispy Kreme Queen

Skip princess and go straight to queen. Wonder if it's because her Mom used to work at Krispy Kreme?


Could someone PLEASE call Krispy Kreme and tell them that she's ready for her close up?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

THE picture

I still have pictures to add from the July 5th cookout not to mention the beach trip this weekend but I NEED to go to bed. I had to put this one picture up though.

What do you get when you put a bored little girl in a car seat and a box of doughnuts in the same car? The picture of the year, that's what! I should send this to Krispy Kreme.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I don't have many photos of Ashley and to top it off I forgot my camera on Saturday! This is a picture of her during Tyler's birthday party.

Here is Tyler.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sleep Walking . . .

talking in your sleep . . . singing in the rain . . . ok, I've heard of this stuff but this morning????

I got home around 3am and was putting away a few groceries. I heard a voice in the kids' room. I got closer to check on them and realized I was hearing what was a first for me - singing in your sleep. Chloe was asleep yet she was singing Book of Mormon Stories and was emphasizing and repeating the word right - eous - LY. How cute is that??

Monday, April 13, 2009


Today I was thinking about Easter traditions in my family. The family reunions used to be at Easter and a big part of that reunion was heading over to Duke Gardens to stroll, smell flowers, take pictures, show off our Easter finery and so forth. Today I went with Lisa's family (and Willow) to take family pictures before Ken leaves for Iraq. Half the world was there too, but that's another story.

Anyway - when I logged in to read my email I saw this video link and thought it was pretty good so I'm sharing. Let me know what you think. Please.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Words to Live By

A wonderful friend sent this link to me and I decided to share it with anyone who reads my blog. As she told me, relax and enjoy . . .

Friday, February 27, 2009



This is a story of a little girl who cried wolf. While Mommy was on her cell phone in the hallway at church, this little girl and her brother started playing with the hall phone. Mommy got their attention and got them away from the phone. Immediately the phone rang. Mommy answered the phone and a nice lady identified herself as being with 911. OOOOPPPPS. Mommy told the lady about the children playing with the phone and everything was OK. Mommy told someone with the church group about the ooopppsss just in case the police showed up.

This little girl knew right away that she had done something wrong and was clinging to Mommy. She was sooooooo worried. She asked Mommy if the police was going to come and take her to jail! (AAAWWWWWWWWW)

Mommy had planned to have this conversation at home but decided that it had better happen right away. They talked about when to call 911 and why we shouldn't call them when we don't need help. Nice conversation and everything is cool, right? Nope.

As soon as the girl got home she went straight to bed! Mommy went in and asked her if she was still worried. Poor baby. She was sure the police were going to show up and take her to jail! More talking happened and Mommy even told this little girl a story about another little boy that did the same thing and the police came to the house before they found out he had called 911. The police just talked to him saying the same things that Mommy had already gone over. The little girl was STILL worried. Mommy told her that she had a friend that was a policeman and would it help if she called him so he could talk to her? YIKES!!!! NO! Hopefully a lesson has been learned and this little girl won't be afraid of the police.

The End

Friday, February 20, 2009

Phones and Crazy People

I have two things to write about after weeks of nothing to say. I'm choosing the topic of phone manners.

Since I work in a large retail store I see lots of people every day. It is typical to see people on their phones. I don't have a problem with that. Even the folks who are rude to who they are talking to can be ignored - mostly. But this conversation happened to me. See what you think.

Man - (on phone throughout this conversation). Where's the _______? (fill in with whatever you want - I hear it all.) I think he is talking to me since I'm walking by and I don't see his phone because it is in the ear that is not facing my way. I stop and ask him to repeat his question because I didn't hear what he said. He waves his hands, scowls and says "I wasn't talking to you." in an irritated voice. OKAAAAAAY. I start to walk away and he yells, "Hey, Lady! I asked you where the __________ is!" I turn and ask him if he is speaking to me and he says "Just leave me alone, *&%**." It doesn't take a train approaching me to make me get off the tracks. I turned to leave and he says, "What is wrong with you? I needs some help here!" I tentatively turn towards him, reasonably sure this man is in need of immediate medical attention - the kind where they lock you behind strong doors and observe you for a couple of weeks while giving you lots of pretty pills. He finally turns enough that I see the phone sticking out of his ear. GIVE ME A BREAK!!

I turn towards customers all the time because they are standing by themselves and talking and I think they are talking to me. Either that or I'm the one in need of the observation and pretty pill party. It's one thing if the phone is handheld, you can see that sometimes. But those itty bitty phones that are stuck in your ears?? Do you think they don't know how stupid they look walking around talking to themselves? The ones that really look stupid are the ones who are yelling and cussing to themselves.

Bathroom stalls are another place that I think folks should refrain from talking on the phone. They have lots of jokes of where someone was carrying on a conversation with the person in the stall next to them until they say, "Look, I've got to go - there's some nut in the stall next to me that's talking to themselves." The other point on bathroom phone manners?? Do you really think the person you are talking to wants to listen to you as you use the bathroom?

I guess what I'm saying is that you should think about what you are doing before you do it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

32 years ago

Jan. 20, 1977 was the day that I started a journal and I addressed it to my unborn child. I told him about how a new President was taking over on that day and what it meant. Tonight I watched the movie "Swing Vote" about how one vote counted in a presidential race. Two weeks ago I had a conversation with someone who tried to insult me because I didn't vote for the person she thought I should have voted for in the election. All these facts bring me to these thoughts.

I began my voting career as a young girl in school. I wasn't old enough to vote but I had classes and teachers that showed me the importance of voting and especially knowing what each candidate stood for and voting for the person I felt could do the best job. As the years went by and I was old enough to vote, I slowly became discouraged. Too many of the candidates didn't please me, yet I had limited choices of what to do. Vote for the least worst candidate or not vote? What a horrible place to get to in life.

I still (and probably always will) feel that the media has ruined America and the world. Yes, I know there are many good things about the fact that the media is "watching" each candidate. I also know that they don't care about good, happy news. The fact that a person is a righteous individual who doesn't sleep around, lie or cheat is not exciting news worthy information and so that means that it doesn't make the news. Instead, they will dig until they find SOMETHING to smear a person. In today's media driven campaigns only the warts are news. { Heaven forbid the candidate is boring. Gonna have to dig for the dirt. } I've heard it said repeatedly that FDR would never have been elected in today's world. Yet, supposedly he was a great President. The media knew things about FDR, health and personal facts, that would have kept him from even being on the platform. The media didn't show that side of him. It would never happen today.

The fact is - I did not vote for Obama. I didn't even vote for McCain. I didn't like either one of them. I voted for the woman so therefore I had to bring ole McCain along with her. Two people on each ticket and of the four I only liked the VP of one ticket. SAD.

I also don't like President bashing. So many have criticized every sitting President for nearly every decision they have ever made. The person that was so hateful to me two weeks ago went on a tirade about Bush and how the *&^%$(*&^* guy was to blame for this and that and well, everything that has ever gone wrong. It's that way with every President. I remember Carter getting so much flack about the Iranian hostage mess and just after the next President took office they were released. Gee, I wonder which administration did all the work on that deal? But who gets credit for a job well done? Yep, the new President. (That's OK, everyone turned on him too.) So, is Bush responsible for the war(s)? Wow, that's a lot of power for one man. I'm sure those folks who work in the background researching every tiny bit of information couldn't have possibly turned that information over to the folks that work for - oh, say - the President?? I do not want the job and I figure that there is a whole bunch of people working for the President and keeping him informed so the correct decision can be made. I was not in the room when ANY of those decisions were made and I don't have the information Bush did. I am not going to second guess all those folks who spend a lot of time and effort to KNOW what is going on in the world.

So - I didn't vote for Obama. Does that mean that I don't support him as the President of our nation? Of course not! He is our elected President and I will support him and all those folks in the background that do their jobs to keep the President informed. I wonder how long it will take before the media decides to slant the decisions he makes into the mud and dirt?

SO - I will continue to vote. Even when I don't want to vote. I will also remember that I live in a country that allows me to have an opinion, express that opinion and not say hurtful things to others who don't agree with me. Oh yeah, and not force me to agree with silly narrow-minded people. So there!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Let's see how I did for 2008.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Year's Resolutions
I've been avoiding this assignment. Fact is - I don't want to do it. For a number of years my resolution has been to not make resolutions. But thanks to a doctor who makes me do things I don't want to do - here goes.

#1 - No unrealistic resolutions I think I did pretty good on that one. I only blew it on one.
#2 - I will do my best to care about losing weight and IF it happens then I will do my best to lose some weight. I lost 47 pounds from Aug 1st to the end of the year. I call it the WalMart diet and it's working my butt off and not having an appetite. I had nothing to do with it.
#3 - This one is easy. It's time to get a job. It took me much longer than expected but I like it.
#4 - I will continue my blog even if I stop seeing my doctor. I was tempted to stop way too many times, but here I am.
#5 - I will have yard sales to get rid of the STUFF in my house and will dejunk as much as possible. I know that Ken and Lisa will never believe this but I did work on this one - a lot. It was just to overwhelming to actually accomplish.

OK, there is your five resolutions for 2008. Phooey!

So - 2009? #1, #2, #4 and #5 are the same. #3 is changed to get a promotion and I'm adding getting my finances straigtened out.

Now for humor. It's a myth about what you do to bring the New Year in will foretell how the year will be. Man, I hope not. I didn't have any problem with being at work. I arranged to have my last break at midnight. I got some chips and my usual celebration drink of Sprite and grape juice. (The purple one) At the stoke of midnight I spilled the juice in my lap - on my light khaki pants. Sigh.