Monday, January 14, 2008

You want some cheese with that whine?

Two Months - 3 sinus infections - two ear infections - one case of bronchitis - three rounds of antibiotics and what does the ENT say when he looks in my sinuses today? "Well, you are definitely the poster child for chronic sinusitis." Dang! I figured that with only two more pills to go of the antibiotic I would at least be infection free today. SIGH! The ENT sent me home with prescriptions for ANOTHER (different) antibiotic, a steroid medication and a cough medicine that will give me a buzz and make me sleep. I told him the cough was better and didn't think I really needed the cough meds and he said "I look into your eyes and see an exhausted woman. You will not get well if you do not rest well when you sleep." OOOOOKay????? Let's grab a mirror and see if I'm looking THAT bad. Hmmmmm. Thought I looked better than before - guess I was wrong. Next - did ya hear that?? Someone of the opposite sex looked into my eyes. Ahhhhh ain't that sweet? Too bad all he saw was a tired, snotty, hacking old goat. Dang!

I go drop off my prescriptions at a local pharmacy that I don't use often and they said to pick up my meds in an hour. I gave them an extra hour and go to pick it up. 15 minutes (I kid you not) of this baby in a pharmacy coat wandering around looking in bins and in computers and so forth, he comes back and ask me if I was sure I dropped it off at that CVS. Now, I may be a tired sick old hag but I think I can remember driving to the pharmacy and leaving the little piece of paper with them. It's only been two hours, ya know? After I patiently explain this to the kid that YES I did - he then says, well, we don't have it. Without dragging this moron across the counter and biting off his little pea-brained head I kindly suggest he look again. Less than five minutes later he comes back and holds up my prescription paper and asks me if that was it. SIGH , I make him check the name and amazingly it was mine. Funny how that worked hunh? So he says - I swear I'm not lying - So when would you like to pick it up? DUH! NOW! We'll, we're kinda busy right now - it'll be two hours before it's ready. Okay. Am I in the Twilight Zone or what? It gets better, just wait.

So I go visit with a friend and we are discussing a recent change in my Visiting Teaching route. Ruth is no longer my partner and Diane is. I made a silly remark about how the RS President (Amy) had changed me and Ruth because we didn't do the bestest job and we were fired as partners. She then calmly tells me that she got an email from Amy saying that Diane needed a more mature partner and did Ruth think I would be OK. HUNH? Vicki was there too and the three of were in tears and holding our sides from all the laughter that comment got. Gee, is this pick on me day or what???

So when my two hours are up I go back to CVS where the same little kid asks me how he can help me. Since I figured telling him to go stick his head in a toilet and flush 50 times might not be helpful, I gave him my name - again - and he proceeds to do the wander around thing again. I get his attention and remind him that we've already gone through all that and that the prescription should be either finished by the pharmacist or in their hands. Don't check that dumb computer again! It didn't help last time and it won't help this time. OK, the last two lines only went on in my head - not out loud. Finally he comes back and says it will be ready in 15 minutes. I told him that it was fine because I would be waiting right there for it. I went and got a bottle of water, a bag of chips and grabbed a People Magazine and sat under their noses for 40 more minutes. There was another lady sitting next to me and we made fun of them and their efficiency (not loud enough for them to hear but you know they had to know we were trashing them.) We were very visible and audible too. Finally one of the other people asks if we are waiting for something (no, lady - we didn't have anything better to do tonight so we met at the CVS pharmacy so we could visit! HERE's YOUR SIGN!) and we give her our names and she runs off to wander for five minutes coming back to tell us it will be 15 -20 minutes which had us rolling on the floor laughing. I told the lady that it was fine with me. I told her that since they were closing for the night in 30 minutes and they wouldn't be able to leave until I got my prescriptions that I had been told would be ready before 6:00 and this was my third trip there - I figured I'd get it before 10:00 (closing time). The funny part is that the other lady and I ate our snacks (not paid for yet), drank our drinks (not paid for yet) and read our magazines -which we put back in the rack by the register and DID NOT PAY FOR! and we were checked out by 9:57 for me and 9:58 for her. I remember why I moved all my regular prescriptions to another pharmacy.

I think I'm going to go check and see if someone put a "KICK ME" sign on my back. What a day.


jenn said...

hilarious! you know it's a bad day when it becomes funny and a challenge to see what else can go wrong. guess you won't be going back to that cvs again? btw., did you make me an author on your blog at some point? i thought you did. i have something to post that may fit better on yours than mine.

jenn said...

and i can't figure out how to post on your blog if you did make me an author.