Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Easter Activity - part 1

Saturday was the ward Primary Activity and I got to be one of the leaders of four groups to take the kids around to Five Stations.

Station 1 was gathering in the gym, saying a prayer, splitting the kids up into four groups and an initial talk by the Primary President to tell the kids what we were doing.

Each group went to a different station to start and all switched at the same time so everyone would get to each station and have plenty of time. We (Group Two - 2 girls and 10 boys) started with Station 3. Connor and Jordan were the leaders in this group and had the kids act out two parables they had planned. Both boys were working towards their Faith in God Award and this was one
of the things they chose to do for that award. Connor chose the Parable of the 10 Virgins and Jordan chose the Parable of the Talents. I forgot to take pictures when we were doing it. I must have been having too much fun. Here is Connor and Jordan with their helpers.

Next Station was #4. Sister Hampton (Primary Pres.) talked about the food that may have been served at the Last Supper and explained that it was the Passover meal and what that meant. The kids tasted unleavened bread, fruits and nuts, hummus, olives, goat cheese and so forth. The kids were funny. Most wrinkled their noses at the goat cheese but those that tasted it asked for seconds, thirds and so on.

More on the next blog.

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