Thursday, November 20, 2008

One of those days

Have you ever had one of those days that after an hour you know you should have stayed in bed? Mine was today.

First I had a hard time going to sleep and then after not quite three hours of sleep I wake up and can't go back to sleep. I continued the ongoing saga of the leaky bathroom tub, without a solution, of course. Finally it was time to go to work and I was ready for sleep. Bad timing.

Next I decide to stop at Bojangles for a sausage biscuit on the way to work. As I drive away I discovered they neglected to give me a straw for my soda. Trying to drive is tricky enough without having to maneuver a paper cup without a top. So what happens? You guessed it. The soda spilled into my lap. Besides being uncomfortable it looked like I wet my pants. Once it dried the stain looked like I had had an accident.

Work was a little weird because we had to read each label to separate merchandise earmarked for Black Friday. It was a good thing the truck was about half the size of normal.

Two people made comments on how bad I looked because of being tired. I didn't think I looked THAT bad but I guess I was wrong,

On my break I was working on Christmas gifts and my glue ran out almost immediately. Are you seeing the pattern?

My stomach started cramping about an hour before the end of work. I decided I needed to go home early when the diarrhea started. The sausage biscuit wasn't a good idea after all. So I get my stuff together. clock out and go to my car. How can we top this wonderful day? You've got it! I couldn't find my key. SIGH

I had to go back in and unload both my pocketbook but my tool bag. No key. I start backtracking to see where I left it. It's been four hours since I had the key so I wandered all over the store looking for my key. I had one place left to look and behold - the key sitting on the table in the break room, just where I left it

Now I'm home and too keyed up to go to sleep. Nifty day, hunh?


jenn said...

i'm sorry you had such a bad day, but at least it provided me with a good laugh (just the part about spilling the soda on your lap). hope you're feeling better.

Gramama said...

Glad I could brighten your day, (twerp)