Saturday, January 3, 2009


Let's see how I did for 2008.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Year's Resolutions
I've been avoiding this assignment. Fact is - I don't want to do it. For a number of years my resolution has been to not make resolutions. But thanks to a doctor who makes me do things I don't want to do - here goes.

#1 - No unrealistic resolutions I think I did pretty good on that one. I only blew it on one.
#2 - I will do my best to care about losing weight and IF it happens then I will do my best to lose some weight. I lost 47 pounds from Aug 1st to the end of the year. I call it the WalMart diet and it's working my butt off and not having an appetite. I had nothing to do with it.
#3 - This one is easy. It's time to get a job. It took me much longer than expected but I like it.
#4 - I will continue my blog even if I stop seeing my doctor. I was tempted to stop way too many times, but here I am.
#5 - I will have yard sales to get rid of the STUFF in my house and will dejunk as much as possible. I know that Ken and Lisa will never believe this but I did work on this one - a lot. It was just to overwhelming to actually accomplish.

OK, there is your five resolutions for 2008. Phooey!

So - 2009? #1, #2, #4 and #5 are the same. #3 is changed to get a promotion and I'm adding getting my finances straigtened out.

Now for humor. It's a myth about what you do to bring the New Year in will foretell how the year will be. Man, I hope not. I didn't have any problem with being at work. I arranged to have my last break at midnight. I got some chips and my usual celebration drink of Sprite and grape juice. (The purple one) At the stoke of midnight I spilled the juice in my lap - on my light khaki pants. Sigh.

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