Friday, February 27, 2009



This is a story of a little girl who cried wolf. While Mommy was on her cell phone in the hallway at church, this little girl and her brother started playing with the hall phone. Mommy got their attention and got them away from the phone. Immediately the phone rang. Mommy answered the phone and a nice lady identified herself as being with 911. OOOOPPPPS. Mommy told the lady about the children playing with the phone and everything was OK. Mommy told someone with the church group about the ooopppsss just in case the police showed up.

This little girl knew right away that she had done something wrong and was clinging to Mommy. She was sooooooo worried. She asked Mommy if the police was going to come and take her to jail! (AAAWWWWWWWWW)

Mommy had planned to have this conversation at home but decided that it had better happen right away. They talked about when to call 911 and why we shouldn't call them when we don't need help. Nice conversation and everything is cool, right? Nope.

As soon as the girl got home she went straight to bed! Mommy went in and asked her if she was still worried. Poor baby. She was sure the police were going to show up and take her to jail! More talking happened and Mommy even told this little girl a story about another little boy that did the same thing and the police came to the house before they found out he had called 911. The police just talked to him saying the same things that Mommy had already gone over. The little girl was STILL worried. Mommy told her that she had a friend that was a policeman and would it help if she called him so he could talk to her? YIKES!!!! NO! Hopefully a lesson has been learned and this little girl won't be afraid of the police.

The End

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