Monday, February 11, 2008

1 Step Forward . . .

2 steps back. SIGH.

We had wind this weekend - lots of it. Power outages, trees and limbs down, gusts up to 75 mile per hour.

For those who are not familiar with my home, my yard is full of oak trees. Trees that love to drop limbs onto my property when there is a little wind. I got home from church yesterday afternoon to a yard and driveway full of huge limbs. I didn't see any sticking out of my roof, so I took it as a good sign. Then I looked beyond the limbs in my driveway and felt sick to my stomach. I had one of those heavy duty car shelters in my driveway where I was gathering stuff for a yard sale. Can you say upside down and scattered? SIGH!

After clearing the driveway (no easy feat) and my friend Ruth coming over, we were able to take it apart partially. Metal legs were bent and canvas torn but I think it will eventually be fixable. I took some things back in but the rest we placed the roof of the shelter over and left it for me to work on today.

So here it is almost 6 pm and I've not gotten nearly enough done. After working all day, you'd think I'd be finished, right? Just when you least expect it - I've had a bad case of vertigo since midnight last night. Hence the 1 step forward, 2 steps back statement.

Now I could look at this as an awful event and get all depressed or I could look at it another way.
- no damage to my house, Willow or me
- I didn't lose power and was warm all night
- there wasn't any ice, snow or sleet with the wind.

See? Isn't life peachy?

PS: to give you a clue as to the size of some of these limbs. As I was gathering the limbs from the yard something kept bothering me. I finally realized that I had an extra tree where there wasn't one before. At first I thought that I had been totally unobservant and a tree had sprouted up this year when I wasn't paying attention. Then I looked closer and realized that the "tree" was a limb that was standing straight up. It was very deep in the ground and I am VERY grateful I hadn't been standing in that spot when it decided to fall. I bet if there had been a rabbit or squirrel standing in that spot I would never know it cause even the bones would have been pulverized. SHUDDER!


Ken and Lisa said...

Not that I have any say in what happens at your house but one thing that I have always thought is that your yard would look a lot better with out all those trees. Not to mention that it would be safer during times like this. Lisa says that you lose the shade if you take the trees out but you don't need to take them all out. Just enough that you have some sun hitting the grass and some room to run around in.

Gramama said...

2 things about what you said. I've considered cutting some of the trees out, however it cost way too much to do it. The other thing - Utah Guy, we love our trees out here! lol