Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Being tagged - again

See the letter "T" to find out who I tagged.
A-Attached or Single: Single but not willingly.
B-Best Friend: Ruth
C-Cake or Pie: if I have to choose – chocolate chess pie
D-Day of Choice: I like them all.
E-Essential Item: water
F-Favorite Color: purple
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: YUCHY!!!!
H-Hometown: Durham, North Carolina
I-Indulgence(s): not really, more essential -reading, scrapbooking, traveling to see my children and grandchildren
J-January or July: January – you can always wear more clothes but North Carolina in July? PLEASE!? Are you kidding me? Hot, Humid, Hazy – notice how they all start with “H” – wonder what else starts with “H”.
K-Kids: 4 + 4 + 6 (and counting)
L-Life is incomplete without: my testimony, my family
M-Marriage Date: April 24, 1976 and November 14, 1981
N-Number of Siblings: 1 younger brother (now deceased)
O-Oranges or Apples: depends on the mood
P-Phobias or Fears: YES!
1- “Have you seen all the NUTS in my family tree?” seen on a t-shirt

2- “Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away.”
from “Captain Correlli’s Mandolin”

3 - “When you fall in love it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then it subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part.
from “Captain Correlli’s Mandolin”

R-Reason to Smile: Chloe, Carter, Jared, Kayleigh, Tyler and Reba
S-Season: Spring and Fall
T-Tag someone if you want to do so – I’m tagging Vicki
U-Unknown fact about me: There is a very shy, insecure little girl that lives inside me. I sit on her most of the time but she is the real me. The fake me is the persona you know.
V-Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: working on becoming a Vegetarian but every now and then a ribeye steak speaks to me until I eat it. (It’s the only way to shut it up.)
W-Worst Habit: getting distracted – why do you think I had two kids with ADD? They got it from me.
X-X-rays or Ultrasounds: Neither – AND I don’t like mammograms, colonoscopies or endoscopies – keep it all away from me!
Y-Your Favorite Food: a really good salad
Z-Zodiac: Taurus – and it actually does sound like me.


jenn said...

Thanks for doing this! I loved your "kids" one and "reason to smile" and your quotes!

jenn said...

does vicki have a blog? you must share! i keep forgetting to add her to my list of folks i email pictures to. i haven't emailed any for a long while, though now that i've started the blog.