Sunday, August 31, 2008

Mama Mia!

Ok, so I'm addicted. It's not a BAD addiction. I'm just driving everyone around me insane.

Abba sang songs when I was younger. The whole script was made around these songs. I saw the movie and loved it. At first it was a little weird to have them burst into song, especially actors who are not known for their singing. I mean, James Bond never sang, did he? But I loved the story - it was what was going on when I was younger so the fact that this lady didn't know which of the three men was her daughter's father . . . well, it wasn't a big deal in the olden days.

I went out and bought the soundtrack and I am singing these songs all the time. When I'm not singing, I'm humming. Those poor kids that I work with are going to start humming the songs and they'll kill me. Death by spreading humming?

Honey, honey - how you thrill me, uh hunh, honey, honey. I work all night, I work all day, I pay the bills I hafta pay - ain't it sad? - and still there never seems to be a single penny left for me - that's too bad. - money, money money - must be funny, in a rich man's world- Here I go again, mama mia - how can I resist ya? Somehow those three songs lose something without the music. Oh, well.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Perfect Day

Have you ever had one of those days that everything seems to go right? I had one of them last week. I woke up just before the alarm went off feeling rested and happy. I got to work on time and people were smiling. My job was fun and going well. Lunch was delicious and relaxing. As I was working in the afternoon, I heard a voice behind me saying, " I don't think Gramama has seen us yet." When I turned around, there was Paul and Tyler! Tyler grinned when he saw me and his smile just got bigger when I picked him up. (That's enough to make it a perfect day by itself.) When I was leaving work, I had a tiny panic because my car key was not in my tiny pocket I always keep it in. A feeling of dread went over me, thinking I had locked my key in the car. A sudden flash of hope happened when I decided to check by the service desk to see if anyone had turned my key in. Tada! There it was! I got home to my number one adoring fan, Willow, who kept me company for the rest of the night. Perfect!