Monday, October 20, 2008

More Words to Live By

Hopes Dreams and Wishes
By Cody Hauser, 18, of Lexington

Hopes, dreams, and wishes are all one in the same. The clock reads 11:11; we make a wish. We wish on cars that have a head light out, on yellow stoplights as we race under them to beat out the red one that follows. We wish on falling stars as well as the brightest stars we see on crisp, clear nights. After wishing, we go on about our days, keeping that wish in the back of our minds.

As the day comes to a close we get ready and go to bed. Once asleep, our wish floods back to us and becomes our dream. Our wish is now played out as a dream, ending the way we want. We awake the next morning to reality realizing that it was all a dream. That dream now becomes hope. We then spend our day hoping that our dream will become our reality. Thus, our hopes, dreams, and wishes are all one in the same, are all miraculously intertwined to imitate one another in different phases of our lives.

Days come and go. Those days turn into weeks that turn into months and possibly into years. But, one thing that is for sure is that as long as we draw a breath there is an ongoing chance that they will become reality. It may not be over the time span we want, but these wishes will come true on God’s time.

So, keep on wishing and dreaming because they will turn to hopes, and everyone deserves hope. Do not go around being negative by telling people their hopes, dreams, and wishes will not come true, because you do not know for sure whether or not they will. No one wants their hopes and dreams crushed, not even you. So, be the one to encourage people throughout the day. You never know when you might make a wish come true and keep someone’s hopes and dreams alive, letting them know that someone cares.

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