Friday, November 21, 2008

OH, What a Night!

If you are squeamish, stop reading now.

After I posted last night, I spent the rest of the night either in the bathroom or in the bed. Chills so severe that I broke a tooth and every muscle in my back is screaming. Of course every now and then I'd balance this out with sweats that drenched my bed. I couldn't drink, not even water. Eating? Not an option. This went on all day. In the afternoon I was so lightheaded and sick I couldn't do anything but lay on the bathroom floor. If my phone had not been in my car I would have called 911 for a ride to the hospital where I should have been. I couldn't move to clean myself much less take care of myself.

It's now almost 5:30 am and I'm tempting fate by drinking fruit juice and I moved to the living room. I'm probably past the crisis (PLEASE?) My abdomen hurts and is making scary noises but I think I'll live.

1 comment:

jenn said...

another good reason to remember to bring your phone in with you!