Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Revisiting a Poem I Wrote

I wrote this last year and though it was meant as a little jab at what has become a very strange day (in my opinion) it really holds a lot of truth. I can't decided if I shared it with my bosses at Walmart if they would see the humor or just be annoyed with me.

Black Friday

The day after Thanksgiving and all through the house,
EVERYONE's stirring, even that mouse.
What's so exciting? all the children say,
Why are we leaving our house on this day?
School's out! Why can't we have fun?
I wanna play and get out in the sun.
I don't understand why we can't play.
What so darn special about BLACK FRIDAY?

We still have food from yesterday's meal
To heat up and eat up so what's the big deal?
It's stupid to get up before the sun
I just went to bed, my sleepin's not done.

To get in the car and go to the store
To wait in a line - they haven't opened the door!
A special? A SPECIAL? A SPECIAL, you say?
There's nothing special about this dumb BLACK FRIDAY!

I'm just a kid and I see what they did.
Those advertisers fooled you, their intentions they hid.
They're after your money, hide your wallet - you dolt!
OH NOOOOOO! They got you before you could bolt!
The computer you wanted - it was a steal!
But look at this one! It's more but, hey, what a deal.
Oh, they only had fifty, we're fifty-one, you say?
We're not having much luck on this BLACK FRIDAY.

Wait, what do you mean? That one's been sold?
There aren't any more is what we are told.
But for 800 more than we wanted to pay
We can get a karaoke machine, hey, whadda ya say?
Are you crazy? Have you lost your mind?
You wanted a computer and what did ya find?
An expensive machine that we don't need,
But what a great buy, hunh? ARE YOU ON WEED?
They are out to get you, don't you know?
They take your money, your budget you blow!
BLACK FRIDAY is a myth, it isn't true.
An advertising ploy against me and against you.
Next year remember, Thanksgiving plus one day,
Hide your keys, hide your wallet, in your home you must STAY!
Don't let them entice you to their stores on that day
Then maybe, just maybe you'll survive BLACK FRIDAY.

written by Gramama on BLACK FRIDAY 2007

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know this is a recipe site, however, I need prayer from everyone out there.

My husband's nephew, 6 year old Dylan Moore, from Gaston , North Carolina , been diagnosed
with Fanconia Anemia and is very sick
in the hospital at Minneapolis Minn . where he has had a bone marrow transplant.
Around Christmas time his kidneys failed and he had to go an dialysis and be put on a ventilator.
Well he sort of improved after people and churches prayed for him in mass numbers.

Now he has a fever of 105 degrees, has developed tumors behind his heart and the lymph nodes.
His oxygen level has decreased and he has infection in his lungs.
The doctors have done a biopsy on the tumors in the lymph nodes, no report yet, and they are talking about
going into the ones behind his heart, which I understand will be very serious surgery.

Dylan has been thru so much, I don't know how much more his little body can take.
I am asking all of you to
pray for him, take it to your friends, family and Churches, ask God to heal
him so he can come home a healthy little body.

There is a site: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/dylanmoore
that tells about Dylan. Please log into it and read
it and tell your friends to please pray for him.

This is from his Granny Frances and Papa Whit.
We are the closest thing to grandparents that he has.

Thank you for letting me put this on your site.

You can send Dylan at card at

Dylan Moore
920 Delaware St. S.E.
Apt 2024
Minneapolis, MN 55414

His parents have an apartment there and he will get the mail quicker than sending it to the hospital.

University of Minnesota Children’s Hospital-Fairview
500 Harvard Street
Pediatric BMT Room 5-516
Mpls, MN 55455