Monday, December 8, 2008

Northern High School - Class of 1974

Fill this out about your high school! The longer ago it was, the more fun the answers will be!! Re-post with the name of high school and graduating year.

1.Did you marry someone from your high school? Yeah, right.

2.Did you car pool to school? I rode the bus unlike my spoiled children who drove themselves and didn't have to ride the bus but complained because it wasn't nice enough AND still complain. HUMPH

3.What kind of car did you have? Ok, you obviously weren't reading what I just wrote.

4.What kind of car do your drive now? Pontiac Vibe named Miss Daisy.

5.It's Friday night...where are YOU (then)? at home

6.It's Friday night..where are you (now)? At work

7.What kind of job did you have in high school? I wasn't allowed to work other than occasional babysitting

8.What do you do now? Wal-Mart associate

9.Were you a party animal? HAHAHAHAHAHA

10.Were you considered a flirt? No one knew I existed. Talking to guys made my head spin so I didn't do it.

11.Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? nope, I didn't have a ride home other than the bus so no extracurricular activites

12. Did you get suspended/expelled? That would have drawn too much attention to me.

13. Can you sing the fight song? We had one but I can't remember it.

14.Who was/were your favorite teacher(s)? Mrs. DeMaere, 11th grade American History

15. Where did you sit during lunch? I hid from the world anyplace I could.

16. What was your school's full name? Northern High School

17. What was your school mascot? Knights

18.If you could go back and do it again, would you? Not on your life. The best punishment for me would be to send me back. BRRRRRR

19. What do you remember most about graduation? HOT! In the middle of the football field with bulldozers waiting to rip up the stadium to start a building to replace it.

20.Who did you take to prom Senior year? OK, you have not been listening. I did not exist. No dances, no parties, no Prom

21. Did you have fun at Prom? Pay attention!

22.Do you still talk to the person you went to Prom with? SIGH

23.Are you planning on going to your 20 year reunion? Nope, skipped it.

24.Do you still talk to people from school? Amazingly, a few. For some reason over the years the snobs and those who tortured me became human and as I'd see them in other settings we would connect.

Now your turn. What do you remember?

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