Thursday, December 18, 2008

Technical Difficulty

To those of you that I told to watch my blog for pictures of Miss Ashley Kiera . . . I've tried!!

I even emailed Kodak to see if they could help. (Got an email back that was in geekese but figured out what he was saying) It didn't help.

For some reason the SD Card that works fine in my camera and fine in the photo kiosk at Walmart isn't working in my computer. It keeps giving me a message that the disk isn't formatted and would I like for it to be formatted. Yes gives me a message saying it can not be formatted and No does nothing. So, once I figure this thing out, I'll post them. In the meantime, you could harass the father and tell him pictures are wanted. You do know he has a computer too. And access to the child and her brother and her mother. Gee, maybe even a family picture . . .

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