Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Scrap booking

The question for today is - Why do you scrapbook and what do you get out of it? How does it help or hinder you?

Why? It is a creative outlet that makes me feel good and gives me something to look back on - for me it is an achievement. I wish I was an artist yet when I try different mediums - it just doesn't measure up. Not in my eyes or anyone else's. I think I do have a way with words and I am also a pretty good photographer. I can see colors and tell what I like so combine all of the above and it gives me scrap booking.

I feel a sense of accomplishment when I'm finished with a page and feel joy with the results. It helps me to appreciate my surrounding since I can see a scrapbook design in almost anything. When I'm with others, I can enjoy what I'm doing while "seeing" in my head how the experience can be enjoyed again by scrap booking. It also makes me "get out there" because if you don't do things - you can't scrapbook them!

As for hindering me? I'm not sure it really counts but others don't see the benefits of supplying me with pictures so I miss out on a lot that I wish I could scrapbook. I'd love to look over my pages and find events that I wasn't there for when they happened. It would make me feel more like I was part of what was happening with those I care about.

Bryan and I use to have this discussion. OK, he would tell me why I was wrong, I would share my feelings and he would dismiss them as being wrong. He felt that if you had your photos on the computer, you could go back and look at them and get the same feeling as when I look through a scrapbook. I have mine on a computer and it just isn't the same. I could explain that the feeling he got from creating a painting was how I felt after a page was finished. He never understood my feelings so of course I was wrong. But then again - that was Bryan.

So - all in all - it may not work for others, yet for me - scrap booking is good. One more thing - it is a way for me to share myself and who I am with others. A type of journal.

1 comment:

jenn said...

yay for scrapbooking