Friday, November 16, 2007

To Do: Write a To Do List

One of the things I've learned from this blogging experience is that people will buy anything. There is a lady who had a magazine on To Do Lists and asked people to send her their lists. She has published a book of them and here is the kicker - it looks interesting. I might have to buy the book. SIGH!!

Do you write a to do list? Do you stick to it? As you do something that wasn't on the list do you put it on the list so you can mark it off? For me, I have so many to do list that I have a list of my to do lists. Unfortunately I can't find many of those lists and I couldn't put my hands on my list of lists if you held me at gunpoint. I think the act of putting everything down on paper (or computer) is a way to unclutter my brain. Once it's down somewhere that I won't forget it, it doesn't have to hang over me as "something I need to not forget"

Hey - put a comment down and let me know what YOU think.

1 comment:

jenn said...

Today's to do list: feed kids breakfast, exercise, shower, clean the house, feed kids lunch, get out decorations, put up decorations, feed kids dinner, make some dishes for Thanksgiving, RELAX, go to bed.

Yeah, I have a list every day, but it's usually in my head. It keeps me sane so that my life isn't chaos.