Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday = Duke Gardens

Self Portrait
I was carrying a quilt, a bag with dog toys, treats, my phone, camera stuff and so forth. Can you tell?

When I was a child we had the Family Reunion on Easter Weekend. Part of the tradition was to dress up in your Easter clothes and everybody pile into cars and go to Duke Gardens to admire the spring flowers and take pictures. This tradition was continued even after the reunions switched to a different weekend and different place. It was just something we did.
Today it was just Willow and me so I thought I would send Duke Gardens to you. If you haven't been lately you should go back if you get the chance. It has grown tremendously and is changing every year. Bryan and I went several times while he was sick and I haven't been there in nearly a year. I was surprised at the
changes just from last year. Enjoy and Happy Easter.

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