Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Visitor

Today, (ok, yesterday but don't you have to go to bed before it becomes tomorrow?) I had a very impressive up close and personal visit with nature's beauty.

Have you every seen a bird catch his reflection in a window and either preen to it or fight with it? It's pretty cool to see. I have a large plate glass window in my house and this evening about 2 hours before the sun set a bird tapped on the window. I turned around and thought it was a small owl since I have a gazillion owls in my trees. I went over to the window and saw the bird was a hawk. He wasn't full grown - probably an adolescent - but was still pretty big. He had flown onto a bakers rack I have on my porch and was admiring that pretty bird in the window. My chihuahua was totally freaked out and making some serious noise from my side of the window and this bird didn't care. He was too busy loving the bird in the window. I was on the other side of a sheet of glass from the most magnificent specimen of nature's beauty I have ever seen. It was breathtaking.

I wanted to take a picture but was afraid he would fly away if I went outside. The picture wouldn't work inside so I quietly went around the house to try to catch his image. Of course he flew away into a yard nearby and screeched his little heart out at my interference with his loving display of the bird in the window. Still, I was awed at my chance for an up close and personal.

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