Saturday, April 5, 2008

Self Worth

Recently I have had basically the same conversation with 4 different women. This concerns me for several reasons. One - How do they recognize me as someone with the same affliction? Two - How many women feel this way and DON'T verbalize their feelings? Three - How do we deal with the problem?

The basics of these conversations deal with how they see themselves and whether they are worthy for the blessings they already receive and how they feel "out of sync" with the people they are with on a daily basis. The "I don't belong" Syndrome is a very real problem and needs to be addressed. The next little bit is not me or any one person but is a composite of some of the things I've heard from others and some of it is from me.

I am an intelligent woman. I know that I deserve a good, happy life. I know that I am a good and honest person who strives to do my best for me and for others. Yet I feel that I don't belong - anywhere. I feel so alone. I try so hard to serve others and want to be loved. Yet I feel unworthy of the good things that happen to me and feel guilty sometimes when I see people I deem more righteous, more worthy, just MORE - and those good people are dealing with trials that they don't deserve. Sometimes I wonder why those around me don't point their fingers at me and whisper about why I am included in their group. There have been times that others have hurt my feelings by making comments they think are innocent of harm yet cut me to the core. Surely I am not lovable, I am not comfortable being with those that I associate with and respect. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?

Now before my family sends me to a different therapist and/or locks me away - These are observations of some of those around me, so put the net down.

Is it the way we are brought up? Is it the pressures that women have that men will never understand? Is it in the water? And once again - HOW do they know that I'm in the club with them? The most important question - What do we do to help ourselves?

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