Saturday, May 10, 2008


Today is a day to celebrate a few miracles. My children, (my oldest turns 31 today), my grandchildren (Tyler had his 1st b-day party today, with his daddy), friends (one picked me up on the way out of town so we could go to a baptism), my church (see last note) and miracles themselves. This day celebrates a true miracle with Sam.

Sam was four years old and was diagnosed with a horrible disease. His treatments were horrible and this little trooper was in Duke Hospital for a long time. That's how we met. His family belongs to the same church as me in a town a couple of hours away. Sam and his mom were going to be at Duke for a long time so someone in his church contacted someone in my church and a few friends and I went to the hospital to meet Sam. We fell in love with this courageous young man. I would tease him and tell him he was my boyfriend and I would stay with him in his room while other friends would take his mom out to shop or eat or just get out of the hospital. I think I watched "The Emperor's New Groove" and "Garfield" a gazillion times. We called this our "dates".

Anyway to make a long story a tad bit shorter, today Sam turned 8 and was baptized tonight. He was so sick four years ago and there were times I wasn't sure he was going to make it to his fifth birthday, much less his 8th. Through my church and a very sick little boy, God showed me one of his miracles. I am so grateful to Him for watching over Sam and his family.

PS: Just in case you are interested - he's still the best boyfriend ever!

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