Friday, May 2, 2008

Under 21 May NOT Read.

Secrets will be spilled - so beware.

I am used to living alone and most of the time I am ok with it. True, the plan was to be enjoying these years with Robbie after all the kids had moved away. Since I had three children when I met him, we had never been "alone" and able to enjoy the romance of being just the two of us. We didn't mind because we knew that one day we would have that time. Things didn't work out that way.

Two things I HATE is having to keep up the maintenance of a house and MOWING THE YARD. Years ago after several bad asthma attacks and allergic reactions that that resulted in serious respiratory infections - my doctor told me flat out - Do Not Cut Your Grass! Easier said than done. I can't afford a professional lawn care service and the few kids that cut grass grow up and I'm stuck - again. I finally found a guy who has done it for a couple of years but he doesn't seem to be doing it anymore. Years of search and here I go again. My grass has gotten totally out of hand.

After a months of looking for someone I can afford, I gave up and for the last week I have gone outside, using my electric mower, and cut a swatch of grass about 8' x 8'. By that point I need an inhaler and have to stop. The medicine always makes me shaky and wipes me out for a few hours. I go in, shower (allergies, remember?), go to bed with a fan blowing on me until I can move again. This isn't a very fast or effective way to cut the grass but "you gotta do, what you gotta do".

Now for the kicker. Someone who knows me and how this affects me found out I was cutting my grass and was appalled. She started chewing me out for not taking care of myself and why on earth was I doing this when I knew how bad it was for me????

OK folks, I know this is going to come as a huge surprise to you and you are going to be sooooo disappointed. The Grass-Cutting Fairy" does not exist. Brace yourself, there's more. The Easter Bunny? Nope - made up. Tooth Fairy? Oops, sorry! The Great Pumpkin still hasn't visited Linus yet and hold onto your seats, guys, this next one will be tough. Santa Claus is not a real person.

So, I'm cutting my own grass 8' at a time, dealing with huge limbs as they fall from the dead tree, ignoring the falls leaves and don't give a royal flip about how the house looks as long as it doesn't fall down around me. I have three bathrooms and only one toilet working. I only need one so who cares??

Grass-Cutting Fairies are a nice thought and who knows one day there might even be a holiday created for him. Can you feel my frustration coming though???????

One more note - lots of folks say that I should sell my house and move to a smaller place. That would take an enormous amount of work to get the house ready to sell and I don't want to do the work. Shoot me.

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