Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cute Insanity

I knew I was little warped and quite frankly take great pride in not be just like everyone else. However, I had a conversation with myself last night that proves I'm ready for intervention.

I left Duke Hospital last night from volunteering for the Ronald McDonald House Family Room. As I was walking to the garage, I realized that one side of my throat was sore. Even though I had been fine for the whole time I was volunteering and hadn't been too cold, I thought, "Oh well, the AC must have been cooler than I thought. "

By the time I got home I wasn't feeling very well. Stuffy nose, my throat was worse and I just felt achy and tired. So I had the following conversation.

Me: I can't believe it! I'm getting sick. I'm not even around people that much anymore so how did I get sick?

Myself: Well, they say that it takes 3-4 days from the time of exposure to actually gett sick so think backwards.

I: That sounds like a good idea, Myself. Me, figure out who got you sick and we'll go beat them to a pulp.

Me: Good idea. Ok, Today I was at church with the 10 year old kids, but they all seemed well and it would have been too soon after exposure anyway.

Myself: OK, so that's out. What about Saturday?

Me: I hung out at home and cleaned inside and outside and worked on Mary Kay a little bit.

I: Not Saturday then. Hey, weren't you at the church on Wednesday night? Did you come up against any germy people?

Me: Nooooo. The only people I had contact with was Vicki and Amy and they were both well.

Myself: I know! Wasn't there a Primary Talent Show on Friday night? At least one of those kids must have been sick.

Me: That might have been true - IF - I had remembered to go. Nope, I just hung out at home on the computer looking for a job.

I: OK, that only leaves Thursday. What did you do on Thursday?

Me: Not much. I ran some errands and then went to Graham to babysit that sweet love, Tyler . . .uh, oh....... (The voice then becomes syrupy just like an idiot cooing at a baby.) AWWWWW . . . I got my cold from Tyler. Isn't that sweet?

Whaddaya think? Time for the looney bin? Well, if so, you'd better book a room for you too. If it was nutty enough for me to have the conversation, YOU sat here and read it!! Of your own free will, HA!

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