Sunday, December 28, 2008

FYI - I'm not left handed

I want to post about my accident but it takes too long to type. So here are the facts - short and sweet.

Two days before Christmas.
Walmart Toy Department
Helping three customers at once.
A ladder to get the two baby dolls from the top shelf.
Coming down the ladder answering questions as I go down.
Where did that bottom step go??????
One ER visit, x-rays, bad sprain and bone contusion, blue brace
Days of light-duty work, meaning no use of right hand
Continued pain
Visit to "Walmart doctor" with new diagnosis
Probable break of small bones in thumb area of the wrist.
New brace that immobilizes the thumb.
Much less pain.

On that note: I am sooooo happy to have Lisa and crew in the house. Willow is too.

1 comment:

Angie (Drowns) Kelly said...

I hope it is feeling better. So, I actually do read your blog even though I hardly comment. Yikes about the grape juice spill. I love the stuff, but just can't have it around with all the little hands. I was hoping to see you when we were in town over thanksgiving. I guessed we missed you that Sunday. Happy New Year!!