Friday, September 26, 2008

How Do You Save?

With the price of gas going up and all the money issues floating around I thought I'd pose the question - What do you do to help save money?

One thing I do is to take my lunch to work. Studies have shown that millionaires got that way by cutting corners and trying to save where they could. Most said they packed their lunch. Makes sense.

I'm not driving as much as I was before gas prices went through the roof.

Generic brands - most taste ok and cost lots less. One thing I will not go generic on - Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is the best and there is no substitute. OK, got another - mayonnaise has to be Dukes Mayonnaise. I don't know how folks stand anything else.

Sales - I watch for the items I use on a regular basis to go on sale and I buy only when on sale.

So what do you do?

PS: This is my 100th post - wooo hooooo

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