Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Blessings and Frustration

I was going to place a comment on Jennifer's blog about her Good Samaritan incident and realized there was too much to say as a comment and it needed to be a post of it's own. So if you do not look at Jennifer's blog you won't have a clue as to what brought this on.

I will NEVER figure out how anyone can NOT believe in God and that He watches over us. This event just reaffirms that knowledge for me. Prayers are answered constantly. My prayer (and lots of others) for the safety and good fortune for my children was answered this time and other times we will never know. I feel so blessed in so many ways. Don't take the rest of this as a complaint, cuz it isn't. Just my feelings and experience.

As I read your blog, Jennifer, I was crying uncontrollably. Crying from joy in the knowledge that you and the kids are ok and crying from my frustration that I can't be there to touch each of you and make sure in my "mother's eyes" point of view that you weren't hurt. Frustration from the confirmation, once again, that you are on your own and don't need Mommy. I want to be there for all of you - to be with you, just to chat over a cup of hot chocolate as well as babysitting so that you think I'm doing you the favor when actually you are letting me be with the kids. Yet there you guys are - scattered all over the USA and here I am, in bed, sick from that dang "coincidence" I've had since mid-November and no where near all of you. I still say it should be a law that parents cannot live more that 10 miles from the grandmother that is named Gramama. OK, frustration has been written about.

There are Good Samaritans everywhere and God makes sure they find those in need of that wonderful trait. So, once again, my prayers will always be with and for all my children (CHILDREN is inclusive of spouses and grandchildren and so forth - in case you didn't know.)

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