Thursday, January 17, 2008

To Whom It May Concern - I QUIT

Due to the lousy mood I'm in which is due to the "illness" I have had since Nov 14th and is going strong . . I have spent the last 48 hours mostly in bed. I do not feel better and I'm ticked off with the world. Am I depressed? Well, duh! Am I sick because I'm depressed or am I depressed because I'm sick? Who knows? Who CARES? SO - To my GP, my ENT, my head doctor and anyone else reading this drivel - I AM NO LONGER SICK. I will not admit to the snotty nose, the postnasal drip, the sore throat, the pain in head, face, ears or chest. There is no hacking cough, nothing green, yellow or gray coming from my throat or nose. I am not sick. The nasal sound coming from my voice area is not from illness, I have decided to change my accent and I am now from the Bronx and sound like Fran Drescher (of The Nanny). So do not attempt to worry about my illness even if I thought anybody would - it no longer exists. Have a great day. And, yes, I know my therapist will calling me to set up an appointment for my chewing out. Bring it on. PS: All pharmaceutical companies beware. No more antibiotics, no more OTC stuff, no more vitamins. GO AWAY.

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