Sunday, January 27, 2008

I got Tagged

My son-in-law doesn't like me - he tagged me to come up with 6 things about me and he KNOWS how much I dislike this kind of thing. His punishment is that I made the comment on my blog - SO THERE, TURKEY.

The rules of the game should be posted at the beginning of the post. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1. I am a photographer. I don't have any family around to take the pictures that I want to take so I take hundreds of pictures of nature, odd things and weird angles just to have something to point the camera at. (Yes, I know I ended with a preposition.) Most of the pictures are deleted from my camera card cause there's no reason to keep them.

2. I scrapbook. This could be a result of #1 so that I have something to do with the photos I want to keep.

3. I enjoy hiking, camping and so forth. It isn't all that fun to do alone so I don't do it often.

4. I am the procrastination queen. To prove that statement: Hopefully this week I will go to Sam's and order my 2007 Christmas Cards. I hope to have them sent out before my birthday at the end of April. We'll see.

5. I am a boring individual. Proof of that is that I can't even come up with 6 things about me.

6. My favorite charity is the Ronald McDonald House. I volunteer in the office of the house in Durham as receptionist. My church class is collecting pop tabs to donate to RMH. That program raised over $20,000 last year for the house here in Durham. It costs somewhere around $85 a night for one room to be occupied each night. The families are asked to donate $10 per night if they can afford it but most can't so this program comes in handy.

Now - please bear in mind that I don't know 6 people who blog so this is the best I can do. I'm hoping the Jen on Ken's list is not my Jennifer cause she is my #1. (If Ken already tagged her then she only has to do it once.) #2 Tim (Yell at Ken, not me) #3 Lisa (see Tim's note) #4 Angie (figured I'd better get you before Jennifer did) #5 Willow (Hey, she has a blog!) and #6 the Ferrell family (no one reads it anyway!)

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