Monday, February 25, 2008

Being orgainzed

Organization is over-rated. It's something I've wanted to be as long as I can remember. I've read tons of books and checked out web sites and let me tell you I'm an expert on how to become organized. I've even taught classes where the students have raved over my expertise. The hilarious part is that I am not now nor have I ever been what I consider organized.

I think being organized is a goal but may never be something that can be completely reached. I've spent the last couple of weeks orgaizing my office area and I'll tell you - it looks pretty cool. Now if the rest of the house could just catch the fever, I'd be set.

One reason for my failure is the fact that I have ADD. Attention Deficit Disorder. Just a fancy way of saying that you can lure me away from what I'm doing very easily. I mean, right now the beautiful sun outside my window is distracting me and I feel this pull . . .

Anyway, being organized is something that magazine make tons of money on. Have you ever noticed how all the magazines, especially at the beginning of the year when everyone makes New Year's Resolutions, are all putting it on the cover to entice you. Go to Wal-Mart and look at the magazines that focus on home and health - organization.

Speaking of distractions, Wal-Mart is my favorite place on earth yet when I walk in the door they immediately distract me from what I came in to buy. How many times have I either almost left or actually left the store to find that I didn't get what I went in for in the first place. ADD and they thrive on MY ADD. Oops, got off the topic.

There are so many areas of my life that I want to have organized but I don't seem to be able to concentrate on it long enough to get it done. If I work on one area, I neglect another and the visious circle continues. My kids had better hope I live for a long time or they are going to have to hire a bulldozer to deal with my house.

There is such a pretty bird outside my window. A cardinal that is so red it almost hurts to look at him. I wonder if his mate is nearby. Does that mean spring is near? I wonder if the daffodils are blooming in my . . . . . . . . . . .

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