Wednesday, February 6, 2008

chain emails should have warnings in the subject line.

Is there a sign on my back? You know, a sign that says, send me all the chain emails cause it drives me crazy and my blood pressure isn't high enough? I have about half a dozen friends who send on of these "pass it on" emails and most of the emails have strings attatched. You know, if you send this to 5 (8, 10, whatever) people within the next 10 (15, 30 . . . .) minutes you will have good luck (receive money, not have bad luck, yada, yada, yada). I think they should all read this way.

First of all, in the subject line, be clear it is a trap if they open it.

Fw: Chain email - don't open if you don't want to participate

Hi, I feel the need to torture you today so I'm forwarding this dumb email that was forwarded to me by someone who wanted to torture me, and if you want to torture five of your friends then send it on within the next 10 minutes so you don't forget. Rest assured that I don't really believe in the "power" it supposedly has but I love the friend who sent it to me and don't want to hurt their feelings by not sending it back to them and I'm afraid they will see that I only sent it to them - hence adding you in the torture chain.

Reckon this would catch on? Well, everyone, I'm here to tell you that just because I don't send it on - it doesn't mean that I don't love you (don't believe in God, am not grateful for my blessing, etc.) I just don't care for the emails and would prefer to not deal with it so when I open the email if it has that "look" about it, I delete it before it has a chance to attack me.

OK, this rant is over - you may go about your regularly scheduled life.

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