Saturday, February 2, 2008


They say that having a pet lowers your blood pressure and is very good for stress, yada, yada, yada. I don't think they met Willow. She is making progress on using the puppy pad for pee, however she's still leaving little presents for me in some of the strangest places. I think she knows that isn't the proper place but hasn't quite figured out the puppy pad is for that also. Step on one of those presents in the middle of the night and let me tell you - blood pressure? UP. Stess level? UP. Also she is teething - can you say "Hide it if you don't want it chewed?"

That said, she is making the biggest difference to me. Even more than Coco did and I thought that what she did for me was awesome. (Still no sign or word of her whereabouts.) Willow wants to be with me every second and follows me around like, well, like a puppy. She does well by herself and I can leave her in her crate to go places and she does fine. She just loves me and if I'm around that's where she wants to be. As I sit at my desk to write this, she is in her cube, just chilling. If someone had told me 20 years ago that I would have a chihuahua, much less adore the stinker, I would have sent them to get their head examined. Hmmmmm, I'm getting MY head examined, I wonder if that means anything?

Even though I am obviously the one she adores, she plays well with others. She has play dates all the time. She hasn't been around children as much as dogs and cats but we are working on that too. She goes to other adults and isn't skittish like little dogs can be - of course, she doesn't KNOW she's a little dog. If you go by attitude, she weighs 150 instead of four pounds.

So . . . the long and short of it is . . . "THEY" must be right. Having a pet is good for you.

1 comment:

ashes2embers said...

I'm glad she's brought some happiness into your life. Getting Allie was one of the best things I ever did. I think Willow has Oscar's face and thick legs and Allie's giraffe neck and coloring. What a cute puppy!!!