Thursday, February 7, 2008


I don't watch TV much and what I do watch comes by way of DVD when I can get the whole series and watch it in a few weeks time instead of over a season. Some I like a lot - Bones, House, Medium, Ghost Whisperer and such. I am a die hard Stargate SGI fan and have watched every episode of Seasons 1-9 and am now working on Season 10. I actually own the last season of Friends and have watched EVERY episode.

I could not get into Lost and don't understand everyone's excitement about it but am thrilled for you if it is your thing. However - one that has surprised me - because I really like the show is Jericho. I am familiar with a lot of the actors on the show and like them for things I have seen them in. But that's not what I like the most. This feels like it could be a real scenerio and I've wondered what would happen "if". Most people have thought along these lines because of 9/11. Our church teaches being self-sufficient and having not only 72 hour kits (which most of the world hadn't heard of until after hurricanes and disasters have happened) but also having at least a year's supply of food storage as well as water, fuel, cloth, etc. We are encouraged to make sure we know basic skills that we may need someday. I can crochet, knit, sew and quilt and would be able to use these skills if necessary if something were to happen. In Jericho, you see people trying to figure out what to do to supply the basics of life. I would be able to do a lot of things to earn money in case of a disaster like that. One episode shows people learning how to hunt becasuse they need the food to survive. Our church has taught - have a garden, so we will have the skill. My property is lousy for a garden because of trees but I bet I could cut those trees down for firewood and have lots of sun for a garden. Each year I plant a garden which is normally a joke. It costs more for me to have that garden than it would just to buy the produce. One year I got two whole tomatoes and 1 cucumber as my big crop. Waste of time and money? No. 1- I obeyed my church leaders. 2- practice makes perfect. This year I had two tomato plants and a bunch of herbs and I got a lot of tomatoes as well as used the herbs in cooking. If I needed to produce my food, I think I could.

Lots of folks aren't too thrilled with camping but if you think about it - what better way to make sure you could do without certain things than by doing without? I can use a grill, build a fire pit and a fire, make a shelter, keep warm and so forth. A few years back I had to go nearly a week without electricity (control for gas heater is electric.) when we had a big ice storm and cold snap. I survived. It wasn't fun and when everything got back to normal I was thrilled, but I did it.

I guess the point of this is to encourage you to make sure you are prepared.

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