Friday, June 20, 2008


Have you ever wondered if our attitude has any bearing on how our life is lead? Do you ever wonder if that person you know that "everything" that happens "to" him is negative may just need a little attitude adjustment? Don't get me wrong, I know awful things happen to people and they have no control over it. But sometimes, just sometimes, do you think "if they would just look at how lucky they are" instead of "woe is me?"

I know I'm guilty of negative thinking and sometimes it leads to more negative thoughts. I hope that I get better at being positive.

Sometimes the decisions that we make lead to the "bad" things that happen and we just have to accept that this is the way it is and make the best of it. Wallowing in the "woe is me" certainly isn't going to help matters. Looking for the positive and either accepting the consequences or doing something towards making it better is a more pro-active way of life.

OK, my little thought of the day is over. You may go back to your regularly scheduled program.

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