Friday, June 6, 2008

Can You Explain This?

Today I was driving on a two lane road that curved so often that most of the 10 mile stretch that I drive on is "No Passing". I could see that the folks ahead of me (3 cars ahead) were swerving into the other lane. So I slow down. I know, what a novel idea that is - to slow down when you see folks in front of you having problems. Go figure. The line of cars behind me are in my back seat and not being polite about it either. So - I get to the problem area and it is a medium sized cedar tree limb, maybe three feet long and the circumference is two inches max. I do what I think is the right thing and pull off the road, walk back and get the dumb limb and pull it off the road. Takes less than a minute and we are no longer trying to have a wreck on the busy road.

Now here is my question. WHY WAS I THE FIRST ONE TO GET THIS IDEA??? There I am in a dress, hose and heels and can get out and move the limb but everyone else is too - too what? Busy? In a hurry? Indifferent to the danger to other motorists? WHAT??!!

When I asked this question to others, it turns out that I did something extraordinary. Turns out that I am the crazy person for caring. Is our society that far gone?

PS: Just so you know how insane I am - I've done this before. Better lock me up now before I save someone's life.

1 comment:

Ken and Lisa said...

Yes I think that people are more worried about what they are doing and where they are going than to take a minute or two to save everybody the havoc of swerving to miss something on the road. I often stop and m,ove things to the side of the road as well so if they lock you up they better come find me also.