Friday, June 13, 2008

Bucket List

OK, I watched the movie last night and now I'm wondering what would be on my bucket list. (Things I would want to do before I kicked the bucket.) There would be more travel. To places I've never seen - too many to list. I've been working on a list like that for a while now. I want to visit as many LDS temples as possible as well as all the states in the US. Thanks to wandering children, I'm doing pretty good on both of those lists.

I guess I'm pretty boring because my list would also have:
- visit my grandchildren every month.
- get my house in complete order. (HA!)
- scrapbook all my pictures.

There are a few that are too personal to put on a blog but overall my list would be pretty short in the "most important" things because I feel like I've done a good job with my life. I've loved and been loved. My children are all married to wonderful people and my grandchildren are - well, they just are!

So - let's see if anyone reads this blog. Name at least one thing that would be on YOUR bucket list. Either comment here or send me an email. I really want to know.

1 comment:

Ken and Lisa said...

I would want to travel more with Ken. I would like to go to Australia and see all the places that Ken went on his mission. I would also like to go to Greece. I don't know why but I would.