Saturday, December 15, 2007

Finding the Alpha Dog

A few years ago I was lucky enough to puppy sit my daughter's chihuahua (Allie) for 6 months. I thought that was reward enough but child #4-daughter#3 and husband of child#4-daughter#3 told me that I would get the first puppy. Since I fell in love with Allie and then with her husband, Oscar, the thought of their puppy was real exciting. Still not necessary but who am I to turn away lots of love?

This last trip to Utah had two purposes - to see all three daughters, two sons-in-law, four grandchildren, three chihuahuas, a friend and her family AND to bring home my new puppy! Willow is an active 3 pound whirlwind. As I type, she is playing on my back and the back of my chair. I'm not sure what is so fascinating but then again I'm not 9 weeks old or a dog.

This is the sweet little family before I ripped the baby away. (SIGH) Oscar, Willow and Allie don't always pose so nicely.

The part that is so funny is that I brought Willow home to a Chesapeake Bay Retriever. Coco still isn't sure about the little thing that is nipping at her ankles. Sedate and big versus energy and tiny. This should be interesting. Coco is only 67 pounds heavier yet I think that Willow is in charge for now. When Coco gets tired of the pup she pushes her off with her huge paw. So far she's been gentle.

Now we just have to set who is Alpha in this house. Coco knows it's me, I know it's me, but Willow thinks she's in charge. If you look at that tiny face you can see this is going to be a challenge.


jenn said...

what a cute picture! It does prove that she stays still sometimes, if even for just a second.

Ken and Lisa said...

I just hope Coco doesn't stomp her into the ground before she learns.