Sunday, December 23, 2007

Magic, anyone?

So, do YOU believe in magic? I don't mean illusion and the sleight of hands that you will find in Vegas. REAL magic.

Does it exist? Can someone have the power to conjure something in midair? Can someone use a power others don't have and manipulate things around us to be something different?

I do believe in magic. The magic of a small child's joy. The magic of love. The magic of kindness. The magic of Christmas. Especially the maqgic of Christ. As for the spells and other such stuff? Oh well, anything is possible. For me, I love to read romance, fantasy, mystery and so forth. There's lots of magic in a book. Fact or Fiction? Not my call. I'll stick with the magic I know.

To all the magic in my life - the adult children and their spouses, the grandchildren and my friends and other family members. Enjoy the magic of Christ as we celebrate his birth. Merry Christmas from this old lady.

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