Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

I've been avoiding this assignment. Fact is - I don't want to do it. For a number of years my resolution has been to not make resolutions. But thanks to a doctor who makes me do things I don't want to do - here goes.

#1 - No unrealistic resolutions

#2 - I will do my best to care about losing weight and IF it happens then I will do my best to lose some weight.

#3 - This one is easy. It's time to get a job.

#4 - I will continue my blog even if I stop seeing my doctor.

#5 - I will have yard sales to get rid of the STUFF in my house and will dejunk as much as possible.

OK, there is your five resolutions for 2008. Phooey!

1 comment:

Ken and Lisa said...

I think that it is great that you are making resolutions. That's a lot better than I do. I hope that you aren't seriously thinking about stopping going to your therapist. I think she has some great ideas. Look at this blog. That is probably just one of her great ideas. Stick with it. You're doing great. I love to read your blog and see how you are doing even if I don't respond often.