Saturday, February 16, 2008

Elvis Fans

My mother and I were somewhere on either side of the proper age to be an Elvis Nut. We did it anyway. She was too old and I was too young. It was probably the first thing we both agreed on in life. I didn't understand why she thought he was so cute - at least for a few years - this changed when my teen age years kicked in. Woo hoo!

We both enjoyed his music. OK, so that was an understatement. We adored his music. I wish I still had the albums we shared. The funny thing was that we didn't really buy records that often but I think we had most of his albums. There was another thing we agreed on - our favorite album was "How Great Thou Art". Most of the songs on this album were awesome.

Mom and I didn't always agree as I was growing up. Finally I did - grow up, that is. Once I grew up we tended to agree on most things. Funny how that happens.

1 comment:

Ken and Lisa said...

I have found this to be ture with my parents also. Not that I disagreed with them much but it amazes me how much we do agree on now that I am older and wiser.